Relaxation Techniques

 There are many relaxation techniques that we can use to find a balance between work and personal needs. We are able to perform at its best when we train our bodies and minds and have regular breaks for regeneration. Our brain is like a muscle we can train. Chronic overuse of the physical level and stress on the mental level weaks our immun system. Conversely, we can strengthen it by training the transition between activation and relaxation phases. The goal is to achieve the voluntary control of our autonomic nervous system in order to actively influence our body’s accelerator and brake. For example, we can reduce muscle tone, cardiac and respiratory rates, and blood pressure by relaxing. The brain waves change from a dominant fast (HI)beta activity to a slow and restful alpha and theta activity. Relaxation can help to reduce or overcome pain (e.g., headache or back pain). The impact of relaxation exercises on the psyche and mental performance has been extensively studied and proven. When we are relaxed, we feel stress free, inwardly calm and balanced. Conflicts and problems cannot unbalance us so quickly. We are mentally more focused, more creative, and more open to new things. The goal is to control our thoughts and our minds and not be committed of our minds. Our body and our psyche influence each other. Therefore, we can apply both to our body and to our soul if we want to relax. Some relaxation techniques involve both, the body and the psyche.

Breathing techniques – one of the most common and effective techniques

Breathing techniques provide an excellent way to find more peace and relaxation in everyday life. Many of these breathing techniques originally came from yoga and are ideal as a relaxation technique. Also in meditation, you often start by focusing on your own breathing. This can quickly set an inner peace. Breathing is a natural and involuntary process that is coordinated by our autonomic nervous system. Nevertheless, by deliberate control and mindfulness of the breathing process, we have the ability to positively influence one’s breathing. See also HVR Emotional Freedom Techniques is a method of energetic psychology and was developed by Gary Craig.

  • EFT focuses on the energy system of the human body, which is also used by acupuncture. The goal is to solve blockages in the energy system. This is done by tapping specific meridian points on the head, chest, and hand while concentrating on a problem and associated feelings or being in an emotionally agitated state. By using the EFT, e.g. acute agitation can be broken down and negative emotions overcome.
  • Meditation is a generic term for numerous and also very different methods of mental training. Meditators learn to know and control their own world of feelings and thoughts. The process of recognizing and observing these thought patterns is the first step in changing them.



The importance of practice

The goal is to achieve voluntary control of our autonomic nervous system in order to actively influence our own body accelerator and brake. "Our mind can offer us endless possibilities if we know how to master Him."

Autogenic Training

Autogenic training belongs to the best known, targeted relaxation techniques. In addition to many other positive effects, it leads to a relaxation of the muscles and recovery. Autogenic training requires daily practice and is often given as an exercise.

Biofeedback- Assisted Relaxation

Biofeedback is a technique to help you learn to control internal functions normally outside of conscious control. You learn this by using sensitive instruments that measure and display physical or mental processes - making you aware of things that you can’t easily feel or detect on your own.

Yoga and Kundalinbreahtimg

Complete breathing for holistic health Our feelings and thoughts can be the rhythm of breathing influence. But conversely, a complete conscious breathing on ours Feelings influence. In Kundalini Yoga you use different Breathing techniques that help to restore our full lung capacity reach and use in everyday life. We get more energy and can do ours To develop potential better.