"I feel so different mentally. The best analogy is the interaction of muscles and movement. It's like trying to carry out the same movement as before, but with less muscle power but with an even better result."
QEEG (quantitative electroencephalogram)-Brain map
QEEG, Neurofeedback, Neuromeditation
The QEEG (quantitative electroencephalography) is a form of analysis of the EEGs in which the measured EEG parameters such as frequency, amplitude and connectivity are represented graphically in form of so-called brainmaps.
By comparing your QEEG with a large evaluated reputable database, it is possible for us to see and interpret your unique pattern of mental strengths and weaknesses-areas of the brain. We can see where there is too little or too much activity, as well as areas that do not coordinate their activity optimally or do not work together efficiently.
When we see which areas are under or above normal activity, we can predict what kind of symptoms result from them.
For example, if certain areas of attention of the brain work poorly and you have difficulties to be attentive, we know exactly where you need to train to help you to regulate yourself more efficiently.
We use QEEGs for our first assessment and for tracking your progress. An EEG uses surface sensors to measure, filter out and detect the electrical patterns of the brain (so-called brain waves). Those electrical patterns, the activity of the brain are important for us. An EEG shows us what your brain is doing from one moment to the next. It is not invasive and perfectly painless. An EEG or QEEG is similar to a heart monitor or an HR watch that only detects your heart rate. The sensors only record the electrical activity of the brain; It’s not invasive in any way.
A QEEG can identify not only brainwaves, their amplitude, their location and whether these patterns are typical or abnormal, but also the coherence (quality of communication between regions) and phase (thought speed). These are all decisive patterns that are involved in an optimal mental function.
As a result of this measurement, we are able to assess your current mental performance, assign symptoms and create an individual neurofeedback training program to reduce symptoms and/or increase your performance.
HRV - Heart Rate Variability
HRV, adaptability of an organism
In order to survive, an organism must be able to switch and adapt to change. The heart rate variability (HRV) shows the adaptability of an organism and is therefore a measure of health. A variable heartbeat indicates a good state of health, while a constant pulse is to be regarded as a warning sign. The variability and especially the quick change from one to the next heartbeat are mainly modulated via the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation nerve, brake). The parasympathetic nervous system reduces the heart rate, lowers the blood pressure and generally slows us down, but he reacts faster than the sympathetic nervous system. Thus, with this parameter we can make a very good statement about the current stress level of a person and even determine a biological HRV age.
By feeling emotions, such as anger, anxiety, rage or frustration, the rhythm of the heartbeat becomes uneven and it beats chaotic. On the other hand, positive emotions, such as love, appreciation, joy, well-being, gratitude, compassion, or positive memories, lead to uniform pulse changes, to so-called cardiac coherence. On an ECG-record, this can be read in the form of clearly more regular, sinusoidal wavy lines. The state of coherence also affects the other physiological rhythms. In particular, the natural fluctuations of blood pressure and respiration quickly adapt themselves to heart coherence.
The RSA measurement is the main standard in the HRV function analysis. For one minute, the test person breathes after a predetermined cycle of breathing. This pure parasympathetic function analysis shows the current capacity of the maximum parasympathetic regulation capability. The 5-minute HRV reflects the state of the neurovegetative nervous system. In this case, both branches (sympathetic/para sympathetic) of the neurovegetative regulation are examined in a calm state. Only the combination of both measurements enables a differentiated and comprehensive view of the vegetative nervous system (VNS analysis). In order to look even more closely into the regulation, the HRV scanner offers the HRV monitoring and the 24-hour HRV measurement.
GDV - GDV-Kirlian-photography
GDV, Prof. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
The GDV, developed by Prof. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, is a non-invasive health measurement that measures the energy of the biofield.
The images created with the GDV-Kirlian-photography enable, in combination with the Korean so Jok hand battery acupuncture, a real-time display of the body’s electromagnetic energy, the biofield.
The research of the last 20 years has undoubtedly confirmed that the detection of the bioenergy field from the electrophotonic emission of the fingertips provides a very comprehensive picture of the function of the entire sensory systems, including the life power pattern. This method is used in some modern hospitals, in alternative medicine clinics, but also in universities and NASA. It is used as an important measuring tool for energetic processes throughout the organism. This also creates opportunities in the context of health care, as a regular analysis of the energy field can indicate early on corrections in the lifestyle and thus promotes general health-conscious orientation. Likewise, the effects of relaxation and energy processes (qigong, shadows, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training or meditation) can be measured and made visible on a mental and physical level.
Quote: “The change in our energy is the first indication of our health, our body and our way of thinking. ” -Dr. Korotkov -
BIA - best method to analyze parameters
BIA, bioelectric analyze of impedance
The so-called BIA measurement is used to determine the body composition of humans and other organisms. Thanks to its accuracy and expressiveness, it is often the best method to analyze parameters such as body weight, body fat, muscle mass and the water balance in the body. In addition, statements about cell quality, cell size, cell membrane permeability can be made. The obtained measurement data enables a thorough health analysis.
In the medical field, the bioelectric analyze of impedance has establish itself because it provides very accurate control results and is approved scientifically.
This data is not only essential in weight loss and in athletes, but also allows statements about many recovery processes.
Testimonials and Experience
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- Neue-Land-Strabe 7, Hannover
- Telephone: 0511/5397377
- E-Mail: info@humanfreuencycenter.de